Organize your home and office: Quickly and easily color-code your files, paperwork, and print outs (and more) with these six distinct, bright colors Pink, Purple, Yellow, Lime, Orange, and Cyan
Variety in sizes : Sizes are - #16 (2-1/2" x 1/16"), #18 (3" x 1/16"), #19 (3-1/2" x 1/16"), #32 (3" x 1/8"), #33 (3-1/2" x 1/8"), and #64 (3-1/2" x 1/4").
High-quality assorted thick rubber bands:Perfect for school,containers,boxes, toys, books, geometric boards,office,business, home, kitchen,trash bins versatile for organizing and bundling tasks
1. It is necessary to complete the task.
2. We need to find a solution.
3. He wants to go to the store.
4. She desires more time to finish the project.
5. They must attend the meeting tomorrow.
Made in the USA: Upgrade Office Supply rubber bands made in the USA, so you know you're receiving a high-quality product, fresher stock, and faster service for the small business industry.